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Five strategies make LED lighting industry "not weak in the off-season"

As the saying goes, "Poverty changes, and change makes sense". When the off-season of LED lighting industry strikes, actively seek for change, so that enterprises can not only do not talk about it in the off-season, but even do better than in the peak season. We can consider it from the following five aspects:

Strategy 1: Transfer the market

When the so-called "off-season" comes, we should shift the market to find the suitable market and shift the sales focus.

Strategy: Develop innovative channels.

"Two-eighth law" means that 20% of customers decide 80% of sales, which is also true in the lighting industry. Many LED lighting companies focus on customers such as general distributors or primary distributors. However, the primary market has become saturated, and it is difficult for brand products to break through again. Therefore, we can open up new marketing channels and find new growth points. Such as developing secondary businesses and terminal retail outlets, or entering the second and third tier markets.

Strategy: Promote new products.

Using the existing sales team and sales network to promote some popular new products, LED enterprises can only choose the right products in the off-season.

Strategy 4: Increase sales promotion.

Increase the promotion of key markets and key customers with wide sales channels and complete marketing network. Increase popularity through promotional activities, only when there is popularity can there be wealth; Increase value-added services and stimulate consumption. When promoting sales, it is necessary to strengthen the promotion of high-grade products and increase the proportion of middle and high-grade products in the total sales volume, which will help to reduce the sales cost and improve the sales profitability.

Strategy: Timely internal adjustment of enterprises.

Off-season is a good time for enterprises to complete internal adjustment. LED enterprises should pay attention to both "hardware" and "software". While improving the enterprise system and cultural construction, they should organize sales staff to conduct systematic training to improve their professional knowledge and market ability.


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